Sunday, May 15, 2011

How To "Grab A Button"

How To “Grab A Button”

Go to the Blog that you would like to “Grab the Button” from. Right click on the button, then click on “Save Picture As” and in “File Name” type in the Name of the blog so you can remember which one you need when you have to get it again later. Then click on “Save”. Now click on their Header to make sure you’re at their Home Page and now click on their address in the address bar (make sure your cursor is in the highlighted space) and right click your mouse, then click “Copy”. Now, go to your blog’s homepage. In the upper right hand corner click on “Design”, then find the Tab that says “DESIGN” and click on it. It should say “Add and Arrange Page Elements”. If it doesn’t click on “Elements” in the upper left hand corner of the “Designs” page, then click on “Add a Gadget”. A new window will pop up that says “Add a Gadget”. There is a “Basics” tab on the left sidebar, make sure this is the tab you are in. Scroll down until you see “Picture” (it has a green tree) and click on the “+”. Another window will pop up that says “Configure Image”. In the “Title” type in the name of the Blog. Move your cursor to the “Link” line and right click behind the http:// and right click and then click “Paste”. You will need to remove one set of the http://’s. Now for the Image that you previously saved. I like to keep the buttons the same size that they have on their blog so, I uncheck the box that says, “Shrink to fit”. Now then, click on, “From your computer“, and now “Browse”, next, on your computer go to where you saved the image and double click on the picture. Click on the “Save” button. Look on your “Design” page and you should see the name of the blog that you typed in. And, that’s it. You should see their button when you go to preview you blog. If it’s not in the spot you want it to be in you can drag and drop it anywhere you can put a “Gadget”. I hope this helps someone because I couldn’t find step-by-step instructions. If you see I have left out a step or just not sure of the way I’ve tried to explain it please email me and I will try to answer any questions.

Peace, Love & Decorate



  1. THANKS for that ... seriously... I have been blogging for a year & did not know how to do that.. I have tried & have thought for a while... "I need to spend some tinme & figure all those things out"....
    Again... Thanks!!!!

  2. I second Kathy's post! Thank you so much for posting...I have no idea what I am doing all I know is that I'm your newest follower! :) Thanks for following my blog too.

  3. THANK YOU!!! I have been so frustrated. I googled: "How to grab the button." And this came up! All the other websites assume that I am on top of these things - LOL! You are doing a public service by helping us all out!!

  4. Just dropped back by to say that I DID IT!!! WOOHOO!! I mean, I bumbled along like a drunken blogger, but it did end up working! Thanks again :)

